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Abi Hookway

Property and Wealth Coach Empowering Individuals to Achieve Financial Freedom

Abi Hookway, a self-made entrepreneur, started her journey as a single mother with two young children and £24,000 in debt. Today, she is a highly successful businesswoman, running four multi-million-pound companies and owning over £6 million in property. With her expertise and determination, Abi has become a best-selling Amazon author and a sought-after figure in the industry.

Abi is committed to helping ordinary individuals break free from the confines of traditional employment and discover financial independence. Her brand stands for empowering people who feel trapped within the conventional system taught in schools, where they work for others and struggle to build personal wealth. Abi teaches smart investment strategies and provides guidance on property acquisition, enabling her clients to create sustainable wealth and live life on their terms.

Abi’s journey has been marked by remarkable achievements and milestones. As a best-selling Amazon author, she has shared her insights and knowledge through her influential books, inspiring readers to take control of their financial future. Abi also gained nationwide recognition through her appearance on the popular Channel 5 show “Rich House, Poor House” on June 4, 2023. This TV experience showcased her expertise and showcased her ability to transform lives.



in the Media


Abi Hookway has been featured in various media outlets, highlighting her success and expertise in the field.

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